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Miso Yin Soup

Yin is the energetic principle of rest, repair, recovery and rejuvenation. This SuperFood Blender Soup is perfect for winding down at the end of your day and preparing you for the most Yin thing you do... sleep.  Kelp is an amazing Yin food. We pair kelp granules from the company Maine Coast in this recipe with several other nutritives and tonic herbs that enhance relaxation to help you fall asleep, and provide the nourishment for a deep, rejuvenative sleep. 

The organic, non-GMO, 2-3 year fermented “Hacho Miso” from Eden Foods is the only appearance of soybean in any form in this book. This miso is a nutritious, probiotic, grounding food, which is fermented in a 650-year old traditional manner using bamboo barrels.

SugaVida takes the flavor of this soup through the roof, while its array of B Vitamins provide the building blocks for a deep night’s sleep. Our favorite Ionic Magnesium, from Mineralife, is an amazing Jing It Up option. Magnesium before bed helps you sleep like a rock, and will help with testosterone production in the morning, especially for men. Add collagen protein, Sea Tangle Kelp Noodles, Miracle Noodles, or our Sweet Potato Naan (pictured left, see page 192) if you wish to make this soup even more hearty. 

Pictured with Sweet Potato Naan

Gather Up

1½ cup (370ml) Water
½ cup (120ml) Coconut Milk
2 TB Kelp Granules
1 TB Hacho Miso
1 TB Black Sesame Seed
1 tsp Yellow Curry Powder½ tsp Fajita Powder
2 tsp Lemon Juice
1 TB Ghee/ SuperFood Shortening
1 tsp Pearl Powder
2 tsp SugaVida
Sea Tangle Kelp Noodles (optional)

Jing It Up (options)

½ tsp Restore the Shen
½ tsp Mucuna
1 TB Collagen
1 tsp Mineralife Ionic Magnesium

Sling It Up

Place kelp noodles in hot water or hot gynostemma tea to hydrate and soften. Drain before adding into the soup.

Add the water and coconut milk to a small pan on the stove and bring it to a simmer.  Add all of your additional ingredients (except for the optional noodles) into your blender. Add your hot liquid to your blender, put your blender lid on and cover the lid with a towel. Hold the lid down, as you turn the blender on the lowest setting, before cranking up to high. Blend on high for 45-60 seconds.